Agricultural products are supported VietGAP application
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Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued the list of agricultural products and  aquatic products that enjoy a number of policies for supportting good agricultural practices application in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. 

The list of agricultural products and aquatic products comprises: farming products includes vegetables, fruits, tea, coffee, pepper and rice; breeding products includes pigs, poultry, water-birds, dairy cows, bee; seafood products includes pangasius, “sú” shrimp, white-leg shrimp, anabas.

Agricultural and fishery products are selected to the list of VietGAP supported products only when they are certified to the National Technical Regulation on conditions to ensure food safety in the production process and preliminary treatment, VietGAP or other GAPs, or organic agricultural standards announced by the Ministry of Science and Technology, or other organic agricultural standards approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development. These products are also the key products consumed in domestic market or for export.

According to Decision No. 01/2012/QĐ-TTg of Prime Minister of some policies for supporting VietGAP application in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, the state budget invests 100% cost for basing surveys, topographical surveys, analysis of soil samples, water samples, air samples to define the focusing production areas for implementing agricultural, forestry and fishery projects applying VietGAP approved by the competent authority. 

State budget supports no exceed 50% of the total investment capital in constructing and upgrading roads, irrigation systems, pumping stations, low voltage, waste treatment systems, water supply and drainage system of the focusing production area in order to match technical requirements of VietGAP. Expenses support is implemented follow Regulation on investment and construction management.

In addition, the state budget also supports for training managers, technical staff, agriculture-encouragement staff at all levels; vocational training for rural workers about VietGAP application in production, safely food preliminary processing; documents compilation and  printing for training courses; support once expense for renting certification body to be issued certificates of safety products ...

Thùy Trang -

Last updated: 01/22/2013
Viewed: 6494
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